Scotland’s coasts and seas are among the most biologically productive in the world. They support an estimated 8,000 species of plants and animals with new species still being discovered.


Scotland’s position at the edge of the continental shelf, it’s long coastline and the mixing of warm and coldwater currents combine to make its waters a special place for marine wildlife and ecosystems. With over 18,000 km of coastline, representing 13% of all European seas, the seas of Scotland are exceptionally important. 


Priority marine features (PMFs) are features characteristic of the Scottish marine environment considered to be of special conservation importance. They may be species or habitats that occur in significant numbers in Scotland’s seas, that under threat or in decline or that play an important functional role in the eco-system. Knowledge of the location, extent and health of PMFs is vital as it informs marine conservation and planning and directs future research and education.


Underwater habitats are of immense value in supporting biodiversity, but also in providing eco-system services such as carbon sequestering. Mitigation of climate change makes the health of the marine environment crucial to the well being and future of our whole planet. The health of our oceans is everyone’s concern because it is everyone’s future.